Case Studies
Hyatt Hotel – Midtown Manhattan

Summer 2017 Dynamic was brought into this project by an engineer hired by the property owner to troubleshoot numerous HVAC issues on this newly constructed 30-story hotel. The HVAC system included water-source heat pumps, boilers, heat exchangers and cooling towers. The immediate issue was that approximately 20 rooms could not be rented due to inoperative air conditioning. In addition, the symptom of heat pumps shutting off would move from floor to floor seemingly with no pattern. Dynamic sent in their service team followed by their lead engineer. The initial assessment was insufficient waterflow to the heat pumps. The cause was improper system cleanup upon start up, wrong system pump strainers installed, incorrectly adjusted pump VFD’s and incorrectly configured heat pump control modules.

Dynamic systematically addressed each problem with a permanent solution, not just a quick fix. Not an easy task considering 30 floors and hundreds of rooms with each one needed to be visited, diagnosed and set up. Dynamic accomplished this in a short time turning over the rooms floor by floor until the entire building was in operation. This hotel was now able to rent 100% of the rooms.

Dynamic went on to discover and remedy many other incomplete areas ow HVAC work in this building. We are especially proud of the speed at which these problems were diagnosed and repaired by our experienced team of professionals.

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