As a business owner, I would like to understand the latest technologies, and benefit from the associated energy savings, but when it comes to my HVAC, I don’t know where to begin. All of the ‘cutting-edge technology’ I hear about confuses me. I don’t know what makes the most sense.

It is true that the path to a green and sustainable HVAC system is often tangled with gadgets, gimmicks and claims. What’s more, the HVAC industry has become so sophisticated that it is difficult for the average person to understand, let alone keep up with. The experts at Dynamic can help you cut through the tangle to find the most sensible solutions for your goals. This is our mission.

As the CEO of a large manufacturing operation, I am constantly challenged by the high cost of energy which threatens our profitability and competitiveness. What can we do?

This is a challenge faced by many businesses, especially in the New York metro area; we have some of the highest energy rates in the country. But there are also tremendous energy-saving opportunities available to the savvy insider. Dynamic can help you develop a strategy and put you on a path to energy efficiency that could shave your energy bill by as much as 48%. But this requires expert analysis and planning. Let Dynamic’s 70 years of experience and leadership in HVAC help you find the solution that fits your company and your budget. And, remember, this transition can be accomplished with small steps. But you need to develop your plan. The process begins with your phone call to us. We will do the rest.

As a small business, we would like to start reducing our energy bill—but we only have a small amount of money to invest. What can we do?

There are many cost-saving solutions to take advantage of which cost little or no up-front investment. The next tier of investment could have a ROI in as little as 1-2 years. There are often incentives offered by local utility companies and federal tax credits for approved energy conservation measures (ECMs). The experts at Dynamic will guide you and create a program that fits your budget and goals. But you have to take the first step; give us a call.

I am just about to sign a triple net lease for some new office space. I will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the rooftop heating and cooling units, but I have no idea what condition they are in.

Give us a call right away. We can evaluate the condition of the existing equipment, and make recommendations regarding the condition of the equipment before you complete your negotiations and sign the lease.

I just purchased an old building. We have to reconfigure the space, move offices and change the use in some areas. Will this affect the existing HVAC system?

Without a doubt, your system and its air distribution will need to be examined and more than likely, modified. We can give you a complete makeover plan that will efficiently satisfy all of your requirements, ensure comfort, and save you money at the same time. Whether you are a tenant or an owner, if you are responsible for the repair and maintenance of the HVAC equipment you need to be mindful of the type of refrigerant (Freon) that is in the equipment. R-22, the most popular, is well along in a phase-out planned for the year 2020. This means the cost of R-22 has skyrocketed in the last three years. Be careful.


“I couldn’t ask for a better boss—employees are appreciated at Dynamic and they believe in what they are working for. It’s worth the effort to be part of the success that Dynamic sees on a daily basis.”
